Choosing the WRONG pair of dental loupes can make your life absolutely miserable when working with patients . . .
I have purchased countless pairs of loupes from different companies & I want to share what I've learned makes for the best pair of dental loupes.

This photo was taken with my Nikon Camera
Towards the end of this post, I will provide a side by side comparison of the 4.5X FLM Surgitel Dental Loupes & the 3.5X Designs for Vision Loupes. I use these two loupes every single day in my dental practice.
The goal is to gives you (doctor, dentist, hygienist, dental student) better insight into what criteria are important when buying dental loupes
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The short answer
Buying the best pair of dental loupes depends on all the factors listed below. If you're looking for something to use everyday, I recommend purchasing a light pair of dental loupes that have a magnification from 3.0-4.5X w/ an expanded field of view.
If you are looking for a pair with heavy magnification (>6.5x), make sure the loupes are incredibly light and have a steel declination angle. This will protect you from musculoskeletal damage in the future. . .
now, let's get to the good stuff . . .
1. Magnification
2. Field of View
3. Resolution
4. Depth of Field
5. Interpupillary Distance
6. Declination Angle
7. Reputation
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Choosing the correct magnification Is the most important factor to consider when purchasing dental loupes. Most dental companies offer loupes with a magnification of 2.5x & higher. . .
Magnification basically refers to the SIZE at which an object will be perceived by you. Dental loupes with a high magnification will allow the doctor or hygienist to be able to better visualize the details of the oral cavity including hard & soft tissue
Choosing magnification ultimately depends on the type of dentistry being performed. . . Dental loupes with high magnification are incredibly useful for visualizing crack lines, performing root canals or any procedure that requires a large amount of precision/detail.
Some may argue that dentists should use the highest amount of magnification that they can tolerate for every restorative procedure; however, it requires an advanced degree of technical skill to be able to perform dentistry at a mag of 8x or higher.
I would recommend a magnification of 3.0 - 3.5x if you are a dental student purchasing loupes for the first time. . .
As you further along your career, you may want to switch to a higher magnification. . .
My Opinion- I started with 3.0x magnification for my first pair of dental loupes. . . They served me well throughout dental school & the first year of private practice. Eventually, I made the transition to 3.5x loupes which felt incredibly comfortable to work with for everyday restorative dentistry. I recently purchased a pair of 4.5x loupes for cases where I need to assess details of the oral cavity. . . I use them both regularly

Field of view refers to what area is visible & in focus. Dental loupes with a high magnification typically have a lower field of view. . .
Ideally, we want the field of view to be as large as possible when practicing clinical dentistry
When I switched dental loupes that increased my field of view, I was shocked at how much more comfortable I was in providing clinical dentistry
It was nice to be able to see more peripherally as I prepare cavities and crowns. It felt safer as I could immediately identify important items like the tongue, salivary glands & assistant tools. . .
Most dental loupe companies offer prisms that expand your field of view; although that mat come with an additional fee. If so, I believe that premium is worth it.
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Resolution is basically defined as the ability to recognize fine detail. This can best be described by comparing a 4k video to a 720p video. The former gives you the ability to see incredible detail while the latter is grainy. . .
Most reputable dental loupe companies have excellent resolution; accordingly, I don't think this is a huge factor that will separate one company from another (Designs for Visions, Carl Zeiss, Orascoptic, Surgitel, etc. . . )
The depth of field is the area that remains in FOCUS when looking through your dental loupes. Typically, a higher magnification will decrease the depth of field while a lower magnification will increase the depth of field.
I prefer having a larger depth of field because it allows me to work more efficiently when providing restorative & cosmetic dentistry

This photo was taken with Nikon D7500 w/ a Macro Lens
Interpupillary distance is the distance between the pupils of your two eyes. Each person has a specific distance that must be accounted for in your dental loupes. Some companies have the ability to adjust this setting at any time while other companies lock this setting in place
Working Distance is the distance from the loupes and operating field. This distance varies from person to person.
Increasing the working distance helps you maintain proper posture throughout the course of your career. . . In order to properly assess working distance, you need to take your measurement in the following position:
1. Straight Aligned Back (Do not arch forward)
2. Feet flat on The Floor
3. Thighs parallel to the floor
4. Shoulders comfortable
A company representative will take all measurements for you when you decide to purchase your dental loupes.
I would encourage you to ask plenty of questions during this visit and take into account proper ergonomics. These companies will typically allow you to make adjustments within the first 6 months - 1 year of purchase.

Declination angle is the single most important factor to maintain proper ergonomics in the dental field
This angle represents how steep the oculars on the loupe point down
A very steep declination angle can help prevent you from tilting your head too far forward causing unnecessary neck pain (musculoskeletal damage)
The front lens mounted loupes has allowed loupe companies to provide this steep declination angle while through the lens loupes are typically unable to achieve greater then 30 degree declination angle . . .
Some companies focus their energy on providing the most ergonomic pair of dental loupes by considering weight, scope position, declination angle & co-axial adjustment.

When choosing your first pair of loupes take into account the reputation of the company. Some companies have awesome representatives that make sure any repairs are handled quickly. The last thing you want to do is be stuck without loupes with a week full of patients
The customer service of each company depends from location to location. I've heard some dental schools favor a particular brand since the representative is in constant communication with the needs of the student. . .
Talk to those in your upper class to see if they handle these situations well
I currently own a 3.5X Expanded Field Designs for Vision Loupes & a 4.5X Front Lens Mounted Surgitel Loupes. I use the 3.5X Expanded Field Loupes for everyday restorative dentistry. I love the wide field of view & the magnification is sufficient for almost every type of restorative dentistry.
However, the loupes are heavy and sometimes I get neck pain after a long week (5 days) of clinical dentistry.
I use the 4.5X FLM Loupes when I want a bit more magnification for crack exploration, root canals & other detail oriented procedures.
I like how light the frames are; however, I do not like how the field of view becomes much more narrow with this particular pair of loupes.
Both companies are incredibly reputable and they have a good name in the dental profession. They have a variety of different styles & I encourage you to check out their website to compare the dental loupes
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